Parkwood Sharks
- Council Ground: Musgrave Sports Park
Now in it’s 46th year, Parkwood Sharks is a family-friendly rugby league club that welcomes and caters to all ages and abilities in the northern Gold Coast region. Our motto “One Club One Family” is significant as we encourage all members of our club and their families to become involved.
No achievement or milestone goes unrecognized or uncelebrated, and as much as the players are celebrated, so are the volunteers, who are the backbone of the club; in addition to the unmatched support from the members, their families and the community.
Parkwood Sharks are pioneers in female rugby league, thanks to the Parkwood Sharks Female Development Program, which was established in 2020 to assist our female athletes to develop and play rugby league, and reach their full potential both on and off the field.
Our female players are nurtured, taught, educated and inspired and since it’s inception, the PFD Program has continued to grow and thrive, setting a benchmark for female clubs across South-East Queensland.
Parkwood Sharks. One Club. One Family.
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